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我有意见或问题。我该联系谁?请通过。 我们期待您的回音!
学生有折扣吗?我们目前为 Goldsmiths 学生和校友提供所有课程 15% 的折扣。如需咨询,请与我们联系并提供入学证明或让我们知道谁推荐了您!
什么是 你们的换货和取消政策?必须通过电子邮件或短信以书面形式取消。您可以在购买并收到确认电子邮件后的 7 个工作日内取消您的课程。如果您的课程开课时间早,请尽快与我们联系 ( )。 课程开始日期前 7 天内取消将收取 50% 的课程费用。在课程期间缺勤的情况下,仍将支付该课程的全部费用。 我们可以酌情决定在 7 天内进行换货。当然,有紧急情况和不可预见的情况会影响您的出勤率,因此我们的团队将与您一起协商或重新安排日期。
I'm excited my first experience on pottery wheels! What do I need to prepare for my class?Please do not wear hand accessories, or put them in your bags upon arrival. If you have long hair, it would be great to get yourself a hairband to tie your hair up. Please also take care of your items, eg umbrella and water bottles, as these will easily get lost in the studio. If possible, please trim your nails prior to the class, and wear old clothes and shoes as you might get stuck into the clay! (clay does come out of clothes). During winter, it would be a bit cold in the studio. Whilst we try our best to keep the studio warm, please prepare an extra coat or clothes to keep you warm during class.
I arrived at the wrong studio. What should I do?Please check your confirmation email to ensure you arrive at the correct studio to the correct class. Whilst we will try our best to arrange for you, we have the right to reject you to join the class without any refund or rescheduling.
我需要带什么东西去上课吗?提供了什么?你不需要带任何东西去上课。 我们建议您使用修剪过的指甲并穿着旧衣服,因为您会陷入泥土中! (粘土确实是从衣服里出来的)。我们提供在课程中使用的基本工具和围裙。在上釉阶段,Cernamic 还提供各种釉料供学生完成作品。
When I should arrive for a class?Please come 10 minutes prior to the start of the class, as this will allow you to sign in and get ready for class demonstration. It is your responsibility to arrive on time for the class. Upon arriving to your class 30 minutes or later, we have the right to reject you joining the class without any refund or rescheduling.
我忘了从我的品酒师会议上拿起我的罐子,我该怎么办?在收到您的收藏电子邮件后,我们可以将您完成的作品存储 4 周。 但是,由于我们是一个工作室,遗憾的是我们不能无休止地存储学生的创作。如果您无法在此时间范围内取货,请告知我们,我们可以另行安排。
Why does my pots looks different than what I've created/samples you shown?Please note that due to the nature of clay, results may differ from expectation, including but not limited to: - Glaze may vary from examples and are for reference only - Texture created may not shown in the final result - Pots will appear smaller from what you created from class, since clay have a 15% shrinkage - Pots may not be completely cleaned and may have small lumps of clay - Pots may be cracked or exploded We try our best to mitigate this problem but these are inevitable. Unfortunately, the class is non-refundable and we are only able to reimburse you if your work exploded.
我的罐子食品安全吗?简短的回答是肯定的。 如果接触食物的表面覆盖了一层全面的釉料,那么您的锅、盘子、杯子和任何您能想到的东西都是食品安全的。 未上釉的区域是多孔的并且可能滋生细菌,因此如果有疑问,最好与 Cernamics 的一名团队联系!
我的成品,烧制的作品什么时候准备好?在品尝师课程结束后,您会收到一封电子邮件,通知您您的花盆已准备好被收集。这通常是下课后 3 周,因为您的作品需要足够的时间来晾干并烧制两次。
你们什么时候开放收藏?我们目前在周一、周二、周五、周六和周日下午 2 点至 6 点之间开放取货。 当您到达时,请拨打大门上的电话,以便有人让您进入。 如果您无法赶上这些时间,请给我们发送电子邮件,我们可以安排另一个日期和时间来收集。 在您来取货之前,请返回此页面查看任何更新,因为取货时间可能会发生变化。
课程是什么时候,我如何预订一个?我们会定期更新课程页面,提供最新课程,包括短期课程、中级课程和青年课程。 要第一个了解我们的课程,请在下面注册我们的邮件列表。
I am a current course student and would like to do a drop in. What should I do?Please join the drop in group chat, which you will be able to find in the studio. All details and regulations related to drop in and drop in hours will be available in the group description.
我想进入陶瓷,但我不知道从哪里开始!我们的 2 小时品酒师或 3 小时品酒师课程非常适合没有任何粘土工作经验的人。我们 2 小时的品酒师专注于投掷(使用轮子)。同时,我们的 3 小时品酒师分为投掷和手工练习。 一旦您有了品酒师并想继续您的陶瓷之旅,我们建议您参加我们的初学者课程之一,在那里您将了解制作陶瓷的理论并发展自己的实践。
什么是临时会议,它们是如何工作的?对于过去的学生,我们提供临时课程,他们可以继续发展他们的实践。 要预订,请发送电子邮件至 或致电 07985138854。 临时课程按小时收费,粘土可以在工作室购买。您可以在我们的产品页面上阅读更多关于我们的粘土收费的信息。
How do I redeem Groupon vouchers?Please book direct on Groupon. If you are not able to book in, please email us stating the class, your security code and the date you would like to book into. The available times would be available on the Groupon website.
How do I redeem Wowcher vouchers?Please email us stating the class you are booking into, your 12 digit code (eg. AAAAAA-AAAAAA) and your preferred date in order to get booked in. You will be able to find the available classes for booking on the voucher.
How do I redeem a voucher from Indytute?You can directly redeem the voucher by "Add a promo code" on the Client Details page during check out. Please email us if the code is not working.
How do I redeem a gift card bought on your website?If you bought a gift card from us directly, please follow the steps in the images to redeem them. If you bought a voucher from a third party platform, please read the following Q&A.
Ceramic位于哪里?我怎么到这里?温杜斯路 36a 号 斯托克纽因顿 伦敦 N16 6UP 我们的陶艺工作室距离斯托克纽因顿站 5 分钟步行路程。当您到达黑色大门时,请拨打 07985138854 联系我们,我们会让您进入。 Stoke Newington Overground:利物浦街、恩菲尔德镇和 Cheshunt 巴士路线:243 路到滑铁卢,76 路到滑铁卢或托特纳姆黑尔,149 路到伦敦桥或埃德蒙顿格林,67 西格林路
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